I've now been in Spain for just about a week and a half. I have jumped right into the pace of things since day 1 and find myself going to bed each night exhausted, but knowing that I have begun to accomplish what I set out to do. I've met the amazing church family and publicly greeted them all in Spanish on my first Sunday (many thanks to those who helped me with my Spanish before I left.) The people here are very gracious despite all the mistakes I make, culturally, in the language, and anything else. They motivate me to want to do better for them.
I have begun to find my place here, begun to settle in, and begun to get the hang of my new schedule. Slowly but surely, each day I find myself adding new words to my growing Spanish vocabulary. For the most part, I find I can understand enough of what the person is saying (as long as they speak slowly) so I can give the correct reply. Although there are still many times when I just smile and nod and try not to look beyond and completely confused and lost. Today I met with my Spanish tutor for the first time, so God willing, I'll start learning Spanish with leaps and bounds.
Thank you all for your many prayers. You have all encourage me so much during my time here already. I can not stress enough just how much I appreciate it. There have been some times when knowing that I have family and friends back home praying for me is what really pushed me beyond what I thought I could reach, but was what God had for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God bless you! ¡Dios te bendiga!
The youth group on Saturday night.